Comments Posted:
The important point to make is not whether or not having a new stadium is a bad thing. In actuality I like the stadium. The bigger issue is the priorities and decisions being administered. Why do we have one high school with 5800+ students in it and a population of 75,000? Thats more than twice the national average. Why do we have 1500+ freshman students in an old dilapidated building built back in 1959 thats invested with rats and cockroaches? Why does it take my daughter more than 5 minutes to get from one class to another in an overcrowded hallway of the big high school? What are the priorities of this school board? Safety? Education? Or Football? To me this is the main issue. It's the maladjusted decisions being made by this school board who is trying to build a legacy for themselves at the expense of its citizens. Which by the way could be good or bad. But I'm not surprised given the amount of liberalism that is taking over our school systems. Thanks to this school board Allen is a national embarrassment.
The fuel storage is not buried. It's 25,000 gallons above ground storage and will contain a mixture of gas, propane and diesel. Per the designs of the last board meeting. And it's not a small's actually a group of 1500+. That would be 1000 more than the last petition that was signed to move the last bus barn location. To bad we don't have a school board member living with a half mile of the facility this time as it was on the last choice....that was conveniently rejected. It's also interesting that only 800 showed up to vote on a bond package for 100 Million which passed. Do we blame the voters or the lack of advertisements from the school board? And why was the new location of the bus barn not part of that original bond? Where is the city in all this? Anybody seen Mayor Terrell anywhere?